Content Option

Digital Signage Content options for the salon environment


Salon profile video - Introduce all your stylists and staff. Tell your customers and potential clients about your salon, experience, services and areas of specialization any outside interest and hobbies. 1-3 minute video clip


Product Promo - Promote everything! Products, services, classes, awards, testimonials. The TV becomes your virtual bulletin board. 15-30 seconds video clips


Before & After Slides - Show off your work with examples of the styles you or your staff has created for clients. Don’t hide your photos in your phone or limit them to facebook, put them on the screen in your salon. 15 -30 seconds video clips


RSS Media Feeds - Keep your content fresh with live feeds from your favorite RSS media sites, health, celebrity news, entertainment, and world news, whatever interests you.


Social Media feeds - Post your instagram clips, live customer testimonial tweets and facebook promotions on your screen.


Education – Display event video coverage and your educational workshop content on your screen.